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Return Type Name Description
player Your player
player players.selected() The selected player if player submenu is not the session
player The session host
player players.get(number index) The player by their index
player players.scr_host(string? script) The script host
player[] players.list(bool? bypass_excludes) List of players
bool players.is_session() Whether the active player submenu is the session



Property Name Description
bool valid Whether data is valid
string country
string country_code
string region
string city
string zip
string timezone
string isp
string org


Property Name Description
string name
string relay_ipv4_formatted
string ipv4_formatted
number id
number ped
number entity
number weapon_entity
number vehicle
number weapon
number model
number blacklist Can be set
number rank
number cash
number bank
number wallet
number kd
number heading
number speed
number bounty
number playtime
number rid
number token
number nat
number relay_ipv4
number ipv4
number ping
bool exists
bool connected
bool alive
bool in_vehicle
bool has_weapon_in_hand
bool aiming
bool shooting
bool driver
bool friend
bool is_modder
bool p2p
scr_vec3 coords
scr_vec3 rotation
vec2 waypoint
memory_address ptr_ped
memory_address ptr_vehicle
memory_address ptr_net_player
player_geo geo


Return Type Name Description
nil block(NetBlock type, NetObj obj_type, bool block) Blocks this net object type
nil increment_stat(number hash, number value) Increments a stat by the value
nil sync_node(memory_address net_obj, NetObj type, DataNodes node) Force syncs a data node
nil teleport(scr_vec3 coords) Teleports the player
nil script_event(table params) Triggers a script event
