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Return Type Name Description
menu_skeleton menu.root() Root of your scripts dedicated submenu
menu_skeleton menu.player_root() Root of your scripts dedicated submenu inside of Network > Players


Return Type Name Description
nil resize(number size, function callback(menu_skeleton)) Safely resize the submenu
nil on_enter(function callback(menu_skeleton)) Called when the submenu is entered
nil on_leave(function callback(menu_skeleton)) Called when the submenu is left
menu_skeleton submenu(string name, string? tooltip) Creates a new submenu
menu_button button(string name) Creates a new button
menu_breaker breaker(string name) Creates a new breaker
menu_color color(string name) Creates a new color
menu_toggle toggle(string name) Creates a new toggle
menu_label label(string name) Creates a new label
menu_textbox textbox(string name) Creates a new textbox
menu_number number(string name, NumberType type, OptScroll? action) Creates a new number
menu_combo combo(string name, ComboType type, table<table<string, X>[]> list, OptScroll? action, bool? multi) Creates a new combo
Property Name
menu_class_id[] options
Return Type Name Description
menu_base as_base() Returns the option as this type
menu_button as_button() Returns the option as this type
menu_breaker as_breaker() Returns the option as this type
menu_color as_color() Returns the option as this type
menu_toggle as_toggle() Returns the option as this type
menu_label as_label() Returns the option as this type
menu_textbox as_textbox() Returns the option as this type
menu_number as_number(NumberType type) Returns the option as this type
menu_combo as_combo(ComboType type) Returns the option as this type
menu_skeleton as_skeleton() Returns the option as this type
Property Name
OptClassId id
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
Return Type Name Description
menu_button has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_button tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_button on_click(function callback(menu_button)) Called when the option is pressed
menu_button on_enter(function callback(menu_button)) Called when the option is entered
menu_button on_leave(function callback(menu_button)) Called when the option is left
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
Return Type Name Description
menu_color has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_color tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_color on_click(function callback(menu_color)) Called when the option is pressed
menu_color no_alpha() Disables ability to modify the alpha channel
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
color value
Return Type Name Description
menu_toggle has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_toggle tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_toggle on_click(function callback(menu_toggle)) Called when the option is pressed
menu_toggle on_enter(function callback(menu_toggle)) Called when the option is entered
menu_toggle on_leave(function callback(menu_toggle)) Called when the option is left
Operator Description
[player] Returns an instance to toggle_player_lua_state
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
bool value


Property Name
bool value
Return Type Name Description
menu_label has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_label tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_label on_click(function callback(menu_label)) Called when the option is pressed
menu_label disable_colon() Disable the colon
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
string value
Return Type Name Description
menu_textbox has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_textbox tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_textbox on_submit(function callback(menu_textbox), string text) Called when the text is submitted
menu_textbox on_enter(function callback(menu_textbox)) Called when the option is entered
menu_textbox on_leave(function callback(menu_textbox)) Called when the option is left
menu_textbox default_value(string text) Default value
menu_textbox max_chars(number max) Max characters for the input
Property Name
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
string value
Return Type Name Description
menu_combo has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_combo tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_combo on_click(function callback(menu_combo)) Called when the option is pressed, scrolled or toggled depending on the type
menu_combo on_enter(function callback(menu_combo)) Called when the option is entered
menu_combo on_leave(function callback(menu_combo)) Called when the option is left
Operator Description
[player] Returns an instance to combo_player_lua_state
Property Name Description
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
number value The index into the list if the option is not a multi option
bool toggle The toggle value if this option type is OptScroll.TOGGLE
menu_combo_multi_state multi
menu_combo_list list The list of data
Return Type Name Description
menu_number has_flags(OptFlag flags) Sets flags
menu_number tooltip(string tooltip) Sets the tooltip
menu_number on_click(function callback(menu_number)) Called when the option is pressed, scrolled or toggled depending on the type
menu_number on_enter(function callback(menu_number)) Called when the option is entered
menu_number on_leave(function callback(menu_number)) Called when the option is left
menu_number step(number step) Sets the step amount
menu_number format(string fmt, number min, number max) Sets the formatter and the min/max values
Operator Description
[player] Returns an instance to number_player_lua_state
Property Name Description
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
number value
bool toggle The toggle value if this option type is OptScroll.TOGGLE


Property Name Description
number value
bool toggle The toggle value if this option type is OptScroll.TOGGLE
Return Type Name Description
menu_combo_list at(number index) The data from the index
Property Name
string name
X value
Return Type Name Description
bool is_set(number index) Whether the index is set
nil set(number index, bool value) Sets this index
bool is_disabled(number index) Whether the index is disabled
nil disable(number index, bool value) Sets the index to be disabled
number count() The amount of states
bool is_active_ranged(number from, number to) Whether any index in the range is set
Property Name Description
string name
OptType type
OptSubType sub_type
string value
bool toggle The toggle value if this option type is OptScroll.TOGGLE


Property Name Description
number value The index into the list if the option is not a multi option
bool toggle The toggle value if this option type is OptScroll.TOGGLE
menu_combo_multi_state multi


For a more in depth example, please refer to our example projects.

-- Create a few options
local resize_id = 0
local root = menu.root()
local player = root:submenu('Player Options')
local vehicle = root:submenu('Vehicle Options')
local world = root:submenu('World Options')

local player_root = menu.player_root()

player_root:button('Notify Player Name')
    if players.is_session() then
      notify.push('cool script', 'session is selected', { icon = Notify.MODDER })
      notify.push('cool script', players.selected().name, { icon = Notify.MODDER })

local give_rp_toggle = player_root:toggle('Give RP')

  for i, player in ipairs(players.list()) do
    if give_rp_toggle.value or give_rp_toggle[player].value then -- If it's enabled for the session or this specific player
      print('Giving RP to',

    -- ...other player feature loops

player:submenu('Resize On Enter Test')
    opt:resize(0, function(opt) -- resize to 0 (remove all of the options)
      opt:button('Resize ' .. resize_id)
      resize_id = resize_id + 1

local t = player:toggle('testing')
print('current toggle: ', t.value)

player:number_int('Test', { type = OptScroll.PRESS })
  :format('%i', 0, 100):step(10)
    print('value changed to ' .. opt.value)

player:combo_int('testing', { { 'name1', 111 }, { 'name2', 123 } }, {})
    print('index:' .. opt.value)
    print('toggle:', opt.toggle)
    print('name:', opt.list:at(opt.value).name)
    print('value:', opt.list:at(opt.value).value)

player:combo_int('testing', { { 'name1', 111 }, { 'name2', 123 } }, { multi = true })
    print('index:' .. opt.value)

    for i = 1, #opt.list do
      print('index:', i, 'set:', opt.multi:is_set(i))

      if opt.multi:is_set(i) then
        print('\tname:', opt.list:at(i).name)