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Return Type Name Description
input_pad_state input.pad(number key) Returns input_pad_state for a given controller key
input_keyboard_state input.key(number vk) Returns input_keyboard_state for a given virtual key
input_mouse_state input.mouse(number key) Returns input_mouse_state for a given mouse key
input_keyboard_state input.last_key() Returns input_keyboard_state for the last key pressed
vec2 input.mouse_position() The position of the mouse cursor
bool input.is_mouse_in_bounds(vec2 xy, vec2 wh) Whether the mouse cursor is within a bounds
nil input.cursor(bool toggled) Sets the cursor visibility



Property Name Description
bool pressed Whether the key is pressed
bool just_pressed Whether the key was just pressed
bool just_released Whether the key was just released


Property Name Description
bool double_clicked Whether the key just double pressed
bool pressed Whether the key is held down
bool just_pressed Whether the key was just pressed
bool just_released Whether the key was just released
string name Name of the key


Property Name Description
bool pressed Whether the key is held down
bool just_pressed Whether the key was just pressed
bool just_released Whether the key was just released
string name Name of the key


-- Getting the state of the 'W' key
local w_key = input.key(0x57)
print('W just pressed: ', w_key.just_pressed)

-- Getting the state of the left mouse button
local left_mouse = input.mouse(0x01)
print('Left mouse being held: ', left_mouse.pressed)

-- Getting the position of the mouse
local mouse_pos = input.mouse_position()
print('Mouse position: ', mouse_pos)

-- Getting the state of the controller key INPUT_ATTACK
local input_attack = input.pad(0x18)
print('Attacking: ', input_attack.pressed)